The Odisha Nutrition Programme aims to create awareness among community on ICDS and its services. Sensitize community on need of child health and nutrition and its long term consequences. Assist and liaising with ICDS functionaries on the functioning of centre and its services.
Maternal Nutrition
Tracking every pregnant women
- Follow up/Home visit with High risk women (Geographical/ Clinical)
- Linking of high risk women (Geographical) to Maa Gruhaa
- Facilitation of all High risk anemia pregnant women
- Institutional delivery (especially High-risk pregnancy)
Distribution of Take Home Ration
- Fixed day distribution of THR (Chhatua/ Egg)
- Pregnant and lactating women consuming THR
- Reasons for delay in THR distribution
- Reasons for non consumption of THR
Tracking of VHSND activities
- All pregnant and lactating women were checked for Hb level
- Timely facilitation of MAMTA registration
- Allocation of red card to all high risk pregnant women
- Distribution of Iron and calcium tablets to pregnant and lactating women
- Home visit for consumption of Iron/ Calcium by pregnant/ lactating women
Child Nutrition
Tracking of children 0- 5 Years
- Registered of all children under AWC
- Participation of registered children during growth monitoring/ VHSND
- Measuring efficiency
- Children eligible Vs Immunization
Identification and facilitation of SAM
- Facilitation of SAM Children referred to PHC/CHC.
- Facilitation of SAM Children referred to NRC/DHH
- Home visit for SAM Children treated at home
- Follow up Children falling under MAM
THR distribution and consumption
- Fixed day distribution of THR (Chhatua/ Egg)
- Children 7-36 months consuming THR
- Reasons for delay in THR distribution
- Reasons for non consumption of THR
Quick Response Team
- Tracking of high-risk pregnant women (Geographically/clinically)
- Tracking of high risk anemic pregnant women
- Tracking of delivery (especially HRP and birth outcomes of HRP)
- Facilitation of all SAM children (100%) refer to NRC / CHC/ DHH
- Follow up/ Home visit to SAM children (25%) Red flag (AVNI) Follow- up of SAM
- Monthly visit (ANM) to NRC and Maa Gruha Monthly visit (NC) to Creche
Donor: Azim Premji Foundation